To seek comfort is a natural human behavior.

No one wants to hurt. Trauma, illnesses, Modern work environments and even normal physical changes due to aging can contribute to ways of moving and being that negatively impact comfort and performance. This impact can range from nagging aches to debilitating pain, fear of movement or fatigue.

The human capacity to turn repeated behavior into a "habit" is a blessing and a curse! No one sets out to learn to slouch or intends to incorporate protective tightening around an injury into a lifelong habit. But it happens. The good news is that when the best attempts at coping with physical demands or maintaining safety result in unconscious ways of moving that no longer serve, alternatives can be developed.

The Feldenkrais Method® is a system of learning and human improvement. There are two ways to experience Feldenkrais: Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement.  


These sessions are one-to-one. Your practitioner will use skilled touch, specific, gentle movements and directed attention to help you become more aware of ways in which you currently hold and move your body. This touch, movement and guided attention will also help  you discover new possibilites (different ways of organizing and moving your body) that feel and function better. Functional Integration lessons are personalized and relevant to the desires and needs of each individual client.


These lessons are typically taught in a class format or can be accessed as audio recordings. In ATM Lessons students are guided in the exploration of small, slow movements organized around a particular function (rolling, sitting, standing, reaching...). New strategies for easier, more comfortable, more powerful ways of functioning emerge as self-awareness and curious engagement with movement increase.

"Nothing is permanent about our behavioral patterns except our belief that they are so."

--Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais